The Role of I&E Petroleum Group in Sustaining the Environment

At I&E Petroleum Group we have as a strategic pillar to work in balance and harmony with the environment. To do this, the environmental aspects generated in each of the company's productive areas are controlled and minimized, through the design and implementation of an Environmental Management System, integrated into the elements of our corporate strategy.

Inspired by the principle of "prevent rather than cure", we develop effective actions, aiming to make available to our clients, together with a high degree of quality and safety, environmentally compatible services with the needs of the ecosystem in every part of the world where we offer our services.

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Our services are environmentally compatible

We are inspired by the principle of "Prevent rather than Cure", so as not to harm the environment

Important companies trust I&E Petroleum Group

Without our clients, our company would have no reason to be, that is why we thank all those companies that have given us their trust.

Coastal Group
Coastal Group
Caribbean Oil Panama